The Impact of AI on Recruiting and Staffing

  • October 25, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping the tech industry in many ways – among them, it is making a significant impact on the staffing and recruitment processes. In a business environment, cost cutting and time efficiency are two critical keys to success.  

When it comes to the recruiting and hiring process, AI can improve many aspects in the historically lengthy process by cutting out some of hiring managers’ mundane and tedious tasks. Additionally, it can reduce recruitment bias and make the overall experience better for candidates. In fact, 89% of HR professionals believe that AI will improve the application process. As candidates continue to flood organizations with applications, consider how AI could impact your staffing and recruiting processes.  


AI for Recruiting and Staffing


Increasing Time and Cost Efficiency

The recruitment process can often be drawn-out through various HR requirements and monotonous protocol. However, AI-powered software can cut down on these tasks with its generated capabilities for applicant screening, scheduling interviews, asking basic questions, and more. AI can also seek out information about candidates, making predictions and suggestions based on candidates’ LinkedIn profiles or other public data.  

These AI capabilities can reduce time spent on necessary but simple tasks that often overwhelm hiring managers which, in turn, can save money and resources needed to fulfill those tasks. With AI, recruiters can cut time spent on writing initial emails, scheduling interviews, and surfing LinkedIn, for example, and focus their attention on more crucial tasks, such as conducting interviews and job advertising.  

Reducing Bias

Since AI is a non-human tool, it can eliminate the unconscious bias that often occurs in the recruitment process. Oftentimes, employees evaluating and seeking out candidates may have an intended or unintended bias about who they want to fill the position, and this bias could be based on gender, race, age, etc. However, subconscious judgments are harmful to the recruitment process and can undermine quality talent from one individual’s bias.  

AI does not make decisions based on preference or emotion. This can mitigate issues arising from prejudice hiring managers or interviewers, making the entire process more inclusive and fair. In fact, 68% of recruiters believe that AI will eliminate unintended bias during staffing. As such, implementing AI can help achieve some of your inclusion efforts in the staffing process 


Improving the Candidate Experience

AI eliminates the margin of human error, meaning it won’t accidentally forget to call back a candidate or wrongfully schedule an interview. In many ways, AI can make the staffing process smoother through facilitating communication in a timely manner while avoiding the risks of forgetting a potential candidate. Additionally, companies have used AI chatbots for years to help with customer service issues; however, they can be used for staffing too, as it can answer simple questions a candidate may have. On the employer side, AI can also be helpful when identifying if an employer is being ghosted so that they can stop reaching out. Overall, AI-powered software has many capabilities that reduce chances of error and improve candidate-employer communication. 


AI Drawbacks

As with any computer or technology system, there will be flaws and cautions to consider. AI can be great at predicting patterns, answering basic questions, and sending simple emails. However, oftentimes human judgment is necessary for more complex questions. While AI might have picked out the perfect on-paper candidate, human decision should also be a part of the equation. Al can’t answer all our questions. For example, does this candidate work well with others? Also, AI tends to sound impersonal to candidates. Candidates want to feel as if they are communicating with a real person, and AI can make the candidate feel unheard or not important. It is also important to note all technology can glitch. AI’s algorithm can malfunction, and computer mistakes can be made. Overall, AI has immense capabilities, but keep in mind the need for human staffing resources as well. 


Incorporating AI in the Future

The decision to implement AI in your staffing processes depends on your firm’s needs and goals. If you are feeling overwhelmed by applicants, considering AI might be the right choice. AI can advance organizations methods of identifying and engaging with candidates and can revolutionize how you conduct your staffing. 

 Contact BCTG and connect with experts for guidance on if AI is the right next step for you.  


Contributions from Leah Harding

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