Tactics to Get Your Organization Invested in Your AI Journey

  • October 18, 2023

The rise of AI has ushered in a new era of technological innovation, and as AI adaptation gains momentum, it becomes paramount to engage people throughout your organization early in the process. By employing strategic tactics to pique curiosity, foster understanding, and ignite enthusiasm, organizations can pave the way for broad-based involvement in this transformative journey. 


Why It Matters

AI is a game-changing technology with the potential to revolutionize how we live and work on a daily basis. From predictive analytics to personal assistants, AI’s reach is vast and transformative. However, to unleash its full potential, early engagement is essential 


Tactics to Consider


Generate Curiosity and Interest

Creating anticipation about AI requires more than just lofty promises. People need to see AI in action and understand how it impacts their work and day-to-day tasks. Hosting AI demonstrations, for example, can provide tangible examples of AI’s capabilities, and seeing how AI can solve everyday problems or enhance productivity can spark interest and curiosity. 


Offer Learning Experiences

The AI landscape can be intimidating, especially for those unfamiliar with the technical aspects. Offer tailored learning experiences to bridge this gap. AI workshops, webinars, training sessions, and tutorials catered to different skill levels throughout your organization can make AI concepts accessible and relatable. With hands-on or interactive learning experiences, you can break down complex ideas into digestible information to help individuals grasp the significance of AI innovations and how they can contribute to its overall success. 


Engage Thought Leaders

Thought leaders and experts in AI can lend credibility and excitement. Organize talks or panel discussions featuring experts – even those within your organization – to inspire individuals and provide insights into cutting–edge developments. Their enthusiasm can rub off on participants, motivating them to get involved as well. 


Open Innovation Platforms

Launching open innovation platforms where individuals can contribute ideas and solutions related to AI can foster a sense of ownership. Crowdsourcing AI-related challenges allows diverse perspectives to converge, generating solutions that might not have been possible within closed circles. 

It is also vital to establish mechanisms for regular feedback from employees and stakeholders and use their insights to refine AI initiatives and make them more aligned with real-world needs. 


Provide Inclusive Communication

Inclusive and transparent communication is key to any organization, and when it comes to implementing a new technology or solution, this type of open dialogue is even more critical to success and adoption. Consider forming cross-functional teams that bring together experts from different disciplines and encourage open dialogue to generate ideas that account for a variety of perspectives.  

Above all, maintaining transparency about AI initiatives with clear and inclusive communication is key to getting people invested. Share AI developments, breakthroughs, setbacks, and other considerations through newsletters, recurring meetings, or regular updates to keep individuals informed and engaged. Open communication builds trust and makes them feel like valued contributors to the AI journey. 


Deploying These Tactics

Engaging people early in the AI journey requires a dynamic approach that taps into their curiosity and desire to be part of something transformative. By employing a combination of hands-on experiences and collaborative platforms, organizations can ensure that their AI journey becomes a collective effort from top to bottom.  

For help getting started, reach out to experts at BCTG. 

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