Questions to Ask During Your Tech Interview

  • October 20, 2022

Going into an interview for a prestigious tech company can be nerve-racking. Questions will be specific, and precise technical knowledge is required for these rigorous jobs. While many worry about the content of the interview and what may be asked, asking the interviewer valuable questions in return is just as important. As such, it is beneficial to prepare good follow-up questions to ask during your tech interview to make sure this job is the right fit for you.  

Below, we have outlined some sample questions to ask during your tech interview. 


What specific sort of software will be used in this job?

Many companies use different forms of software to complete their basic tasks, so it is important to have a good understanding of each one and how they function. According to the latest statistics, for 61% of software developers, Windows is the leading development environment. Linux ranks second on the list, with 47% of developers using it, and macOS is third. Having a basic understanding of all three of these systems is essential, and letting the interviewer know you are familiar with all of them can help demonstrate your ability to adapt to the company’s changing needs.  


What programming language does the company use most often, and why?

There are countless programming languages developed by software engineers that are commonly implemented by top tech companies. According to Stack Overflow, JavaScript currently stands as the most used language in the world (69.7%), followed by HTML/CSS (62.4%), SQL (56.9%), Python (41.6%), and Java (38.4%). Having a basic knowledge of these languages can make yourself more marketable. It also gives you a chance to brush up on any languages you are unfamiliar with before starting your job if the interviewer mentions a language with which you are not as familiar. Including “why” in the question also shows the interviewer you are curious about the company’s methods of programming and are willing to thrive in the existing tech culture.  


How will the company adapt to the rapidly changing landscape of technology?

Technology continues to innovate with software and programs becoming more unique and efficient every day. New concepts such as artificial intelligence (AI) and automated processes are flying into the picture. A recent survey found that over one-third of high-revenue companies are spending between $51 million to $100 million on AI. Asking this question shows you are ready to adjust to shifting perspectives in technology and have an innovative mindset for the future. It also gives you insight into the company’s growth mindset and how they may be anticipating future change. 


What is one thing this tech company can offer me that others cannot?

This question is an intuitive one that can really get the interviewer thinking while also giving them a chance to highlight why their company is the best choice. Interviewers love to talk about their company’s strengths and how they distinguish themselves from their competitors. It also gives you a glimpse inside the company culture, enabling you to learn more about the company’s values and priorities beyond just the role itself.  You can structure this question to address any perspective you want. It may be technical related, diversity-driven, benefit-orientated, or anything you care about most.  


Technical capabilities aside, what soft skills would make someone successful in this role?

Getting a tech job is not just about being a whiz in software and engineering. Every job requires soft skills, whether it be leadership, communication, teamwork, or problem-solving. According to a study, 93% of employer’s term soft skills as either “very important” or “essential.” It is important to possess these skills and be able to sharpen them in the scenario you get the job. Asking this question also lets the interviewer know you are aware of what soft skills are and the relevance of these skills in performing your job most effectively.  


Can you give me an example of a recent project your team worked on and the experience?

This last question is specific and allows the interviewer to talk about themselves and any important projects they have been working on. It also allows you to get a feel for the company’s group dynamics, and what a normal work week would look like for you in this role. 



Asking the right questions is essential to having a good interview. Walking into a tech interview without a set of follow-up questions prepared is a disaster waiting to happen. Having meaningful, thought-provoking questions will demonstrate that you genuinely care about the company’s culture and dynamic, which is extremely important to hiring managers and can leave a lasting impression. 

To learn more about what questions to ask during a technical based interview, reach out to the experts at Bull City Talent Group 

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