Top Candidate Insights of 2022

  • December 22, 2022

As we approach the end of 2022, we would like to reflect on the candidate-focused content we have published this past year. Below, we have highlighted some of our most relevant candidate insights from 2022. 


#1: Tips for Finding a New Job in 2023 

Finding a new job can be a stressful process, and this can be exacerbated in the tech industry with its robust competition. However, in this period of unpredictability, many opportunities are still present in the tech labor market. There are several tips and tricks one can follow to make the search for a job much easier, which you can read more about in this piece. 


#2: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Leaving Your Current Role

As individuals’ preferences and career goals change with the popularization of remote working and post-pandemic attitudes, it is important to consider the good, the bad, and the ugly when thinking about leaving your current role. In this piece, we explore what you should know when considering a change in roles or a career change entirely. 


#3: Words to Avoid on Your Résumé

When applying for an open position, your résumé is one of the first things hiring managers look at during the hiring process. However, you do not have long to make a lasting first impression, meaning you need to be mindful and purposeful in the content you choose to include. While there are several factors that you should include in your résumé, we have outlined some words to avoid on your résumé in this piece. 


#4: A Consultant’s Guide to LinkedIn Recommendations

In today’s world, everything is digital – from job applications to restaurant menus, and now, even recommendations for future employment. The power of a reference or recommendation has always been proven to be a driving force in hiring, and many of us are familiar with gaining a written reference to share. In this piece, we share how to best go about obtaining a LinkedIn recommendation for your digital profile. 


#5: Questions to Ask During Your Tech Interview

Going into an interview for a prestigious tech company can be nerve-racking. Questions will be specific, and precise technical knowledge is required for these jobs. While many worry about the content of the interview and what may be asked, asking the interviewer valuable questions in return is just as important. It is beneficial to prepare good follow-up questions to ask during your tech interview, which we have outlined in this piece. 


#6: How to Evaluate if a Company Is the Right Fit for You

As a job candidate, there is nothing more important than finding an organization that aligns with your personal and professional goals. Researching company culture, understanding the organization’s values, and asking the right questions are all key factors in evaluating if a company is the right fit for you. We have provided some key tips to keep in mind when evaluating a prospective job opportunity in this piece. 

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